Ahoy Pirates,

Become a privateer in the service of the Queen! The Queen is looking for new pirates to go up against her enemies, armed with a letter of marque, a new title and a legendary ship design with special capabilities.

Fight with other pirates to win the favor of the Queen! Become one of the daily top three: that's the only way to win the title and one of the three categories of ship!

Curse of the Oceans
Whoever destroys the most ships receives this title! The Queen will bestow upon him a special ship design with which he can cause 5% more cannon damage right from the start! The condition: The winner is the one who destroys the most HPs. But remember your pirates' code of honor: Whoever sinks opponents who are too weak will not receive any points for it!

Marauder of the Seven Seas
This is a greatly feared pirate; he's the one who captures the most ships! With a new ship design and a royal blessing, his reputation spreads rapidly, because with the new ship, his capture value increases by 5%! Here as well you must obey the pirates' codes of honor!

Conqueror of the Sea Dwellers
Sea monsters make the waters dangerous for travel. Only the one who can kill the most monsters will be rewarded with the title and an extra ship design. The special thing here: It makes the harpoons cause 5% more damage. The same applies here as well: The destroyed HPs for monsters only count when they are not easy prey!

Regardless of which title you decide to strive for: Seafight will support you in battle at the beginning of the event for two whole days with event cannons and event harpoons!

Arrrrr, pirates! Show the Queen just who is the worthiest privateer!

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