Title: Preview: New Seachart - insight into the development

Ahoy Pirates,

It went silent about the announced re-design of Seafight. We now want to give you a small insight into the development around the seachart.

Notes on the screenshots:

* Gray buttons are developer tools, some of them will get a design, some of them will disappear ;-)

Notes on the new chart:

* More clear, more fun and above all, more space for playing!
* Improved performance with many players in own view field
* Improved manageability – now it is easier for us to find the issue and faster to reconstruct it.
* Action buttons (blackpowder, light of Tortuga, Bonusmap scroll) are now better repealed and always quick to use
* Seachart "individual" is adjustable to be able to act most efficient as possible on the map.

We hope you like this idea – we will not give you a time frame at the moment, but we see light at the end of the tunnel.

Your Seafight Team

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Dear Seafight Community,

We have evaluated the feedback from you and below you can find the results:

We are looking forward to your feedback here: --> To the Discussion Forum <--

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