
This article is about how to get a ship skin on Seafight.

Step 1:

Register an account on Seafight. Before we can begin, you will need to login to your account.

Step 2:

Manage your little boat to get an Elite ship. That elite ship is the first level on the elite skins ship.

Step 3:

Make a lot of gold -- up to 5,000,000. Once you have gold, bid it on the elite ship on the bazaar right tab on your page.

Step 4:

Bid on the last 15 seconds of the timer above the items. Wait to see who will win that item and then refresh your page and open your sea chart.

Step 5:

Go to "To The Shipyard" tab. Configure your level 1 skin of your elite ship then click save.

Step 6:

Make more gold. This will allow you to bid for the cannon balls to level up your ship skin from level 1 to level 2.

Step 7:

Keep using elite cannon balls. Always make it a point to reach the points needed to level up your elite ship skin -- just keep it up.

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